Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about getting out there and dancing in the rain!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Catch up!
Alright so I have sucked at blogging lately...and I've actually had a lot to blog about just been busy and made this my last priority. So seeing as I have had a request to update my blog my goal is to do a blog everyday of what I've done this summer and catch it up (but don't be surprised if you only get it every other day)! So for starters to end summer school the 2nd week of July we took the kids on a field trip to Swan Lakes where we got to play a round of mini golf and hit at the batting cages! It was a blast! A lot of these kids are so poor that they have never been to batting cages or mini golfing. As a matter of fact this was actually the first time I've ever been in a batting cage...I've watched before but never hit. It was fun I was the only teacher who would do it and the kids loved it...they were cheering me on even the 5th and 6th graders were into it. And amazingly I only missed about 2 of my balls so it was fun! Here's some pictures from a really fun day...I forgot my camera that day of all times so they are from my phone so not the best but oh well still cute!
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