Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Resolutions!!!

Ok so they always say if you write down your resolutions then you'll be more likely to keep them. So here are my resolutions for 2008!

1. Keep my room clean
2. Keep my plan book up to date
3. Pay my car off by the end of this summer
4. Read scriptures every day
5. Walk 10,000 steps a day
6. Be more assertive and flirt more (I know you're laughing but I really do suck at this)

New Year 2008

Highlights of 2007!!!

Ok life has been crazy and I apologize for dropping the ball on the blogging! And I promise to catch you up! But for now here are my highlights of has been a truly amazing year. I have had a lot of miracles this year and have some amazing people in my life.

1. Getting offered my dream job to teach 2nd grade in August before I graduated!

2. Graduating in December with my bs in elementary ed.

3. The end of the Harry Potter couldn't have ended better.

4. The super Colt's won! Eat that Aaron one of my teams actually won and won big!

5. Summer ... This summer was the best summer ever! So much fun with both friends and family! From desert nights to motorcycle trips up the canyon. We took my niece to the zoo! We made several trips to Bear Lake...and one long boring car ride to Battlemountain, Nevada, or as I call it the middle of nowhere! Then there was the night my friends decided to attempt kidnapping me at like 2 in the morning to go up the canyon...sorry Aaron but you're not the greatest kidnapper...better luck next time! Then there was the good old NFC games...those are always fun even though we never win! This summer was in one word awesome...I miss these days!

6. Lasik...I have 20/15 vision now and it's so awesome cause I was seriously at like 20/50