This year has been a tough year in school. I have a large group of my kids this year that are exceptionally hard and I have so many behavior problems that I sometimes question what I'm doing there and I just want to scream. I am completely exhausted all the time and wouldn't function without my Diet Coke. I know I complain a lot but I really do love them and I love my job.
Today as I was walking them out I had an ah ha moment and realized how much each of them means to me and how much I'm going to miss them in a few more months. They are mine even with their problems and I wouldn't trade them (well maybe a few of them). I have the cutest and sweetest girls who are so willing to help. My little Kimi, Madison, Lynzee, and Keisha are the 4 sweetest girls ever and always make me smile. Kimi and Madison always hide and come back for an extra hug at the end of the day and then try to make my hand numb with high fives. Then there's my Brianna who draws me a picture almost daily of me in the exact outfit I'm wearing that day. Then I have my boys Blaze, Darin, and Bridger who give me constant hugs and won't let go at the end of the day. My Ryan who always picks BYU as the magic word for the day when it's his turn because he knows I hate even saying it. My little Tanner who tries harder then anyone I know. My Kyle who tells me at least 2 or 3 times daily that I'm the best teacher ever. My Cayden who just has a way of making me laugh. My Maddie who wants to share every detail of her life with me.
So just so everybody knows I love them to death despite the complaining and they mean the world to me!
Alright so I haven't blogged in ages...for some reason every time I think about it I can't think of anything I'd rather do less. That must mean my life is boring! A lot has gone on since the last blog. First I have to say GO UTES!!!! Ha should have known that was coming. But my favorite happening of the past few months is my new adorable niece. I now have the two cutest nieces ever! MaryJane was born on January 21st, weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. I can't wait til I have two nieces old enough to take shopping with me and do lots of fun stuff with. So as the proud aunt here are some pictures of my newest cutie pie and of course some of my favorite 3 year old!